Wednesday, April 26, 2023



 H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package and it is a simple way to create and share rich and interactive web content. It is completely free and enables its users to create HTML5 content such as videos and quizzes. In language teaching, it can be used for many purposes from vocabulary teaching to drill-practices

 With basic knowledge of HTML5, you can create any content that is provided by other applications (quizzes, fill-in-the-blank activities, etc...), so it saves you from using multiple applications for one purpose

 You can try out H5P from the link below:

Sunday, April 23, 2023


 Edpuzzle is a fantastic web-based e-learning application that empowers you to personalize and enhance any video according to your needs. With its editing features, you can crop, add your own audio, and integrate quiz questions seamlessly into the video. The best part is that you can easily track and assess your students' engagement with the videos you create.

 The primary objective of Edpuzzle is to maximize student engagement with video content. By customizing videos, incorporating interactive assessments, and monitoring student progress, you can effectively align the videos with your desired learning goals.

 Using Edpuzzle involves four simple steps:

  1.  Selecting a video to edit: You have the flexibility to upload your own videos or explore a wide range of web resources like YouTube, Khan Academy, TED talks, and National Geographic.
  2.  Personalizing the video with various options Edpuzzle gives to its students. Such options include cropping the video, replacing the video’s original audio with another, and integrating quizzes.
  3.  Saving and sharing your customized video in your Edpuzzle collection and assigning it to your class. You can also create a shareable link, or make it accessible to a wider audience
  4.  Monitoring student engagement by using the analytics provided by Edpuzzle to track video views and assess student performance on the quizzes.

  You can unleash your creativity with Edpuzzle and explore various pedagogical applications, such as giving your students a flipped classroom experience by giving them assignments to be done before the class or enhancing your instructional videos with audio notes and quizzes. Edpuzzle also enables your students to unleash their creativity by creating their own videos

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How Does Technology Enhance Language Learning


This research paper discusses the impact of language learning on traditional language learning/teaching methods and the current language learning/teaching methods. Traditional language learning methods, such as classroom instructions have engaged with technology-based approaches and such approaches became widely used in recent years. This paper examines the ways in which both computer-assisted and mobile-assisted applications have changed the way people learned. Lastly, this paper argues that while technology can have powerful effects on learners, it should not solely be used alone for now; rather it should be merged with other methods when used to ensure an effective language learning experience


 In today’s globalized world language learning has become an essential aspect for individuals that aim to be in contact with other cultures. Those individuals have been using traditional methods such as the usage of dictionaries and getting private classes. But nowadays learners started using technology to aid their language learning process as the technology has improved significantly, even some learners are only using technology-based methods instead of traditional methods. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the impact of technology in language learning with an emphasis on both usage of technology in traditional methods and completely new methods introduced with technology such as mobile apps as well as evaluating its benefits and drawbacks.

Review of Literature

 When we say “traditional language learning methods” we usually refer to a classroom environment in which there is no technology use. This is how language learning mostly occurred till the second decade of the 21st century. However, after the 2010s there have been great changes in language studies. Most notably, Google introduced a multilingual machine translation service named “Google Translate” in 2006 and it started being widely used after the 2010s. This meant that language learners did not necessarily need to search hardcopy dictionaries or ask their teachers about a sentence they did not understand. Even though it was not usually giving accurate translations till switching to neural machine translation from statistical machine translation in 2016 still learners could benefit from its translations greatly. For example, students could practice a phrase in their target language with Google Translate by using its translation, text-to-speech, and automatic speech recognition options without relying on the classroom environment and classroom materials for target language input (van Lieshout, C., & Cardoso, W., 2022)

 After smartphones were introduced, downloadable mobile applications became a thing in iOS devices at first. First-ever applications were mostly games and mobile application versions of frequently used websites such as social media platforms (Such as Facebook and Twitter). Online language learning platforms such as Duolingo introduced their mobile applications which made language learning easier and more accessible. Learners did not need to go to classrooms or libraries for language learning sources, they became able to practice their target language with a device they carry in their pockets whenever they wanted. For example, Duolingo was first introduced as a mobile application in 2011 but language learners realized that it was not solely enough for learning a language because such applications did not give many options for native-like language practice, instead, the learners had to repeat the same phrases over and over again. This also gave a new realization to problems that occur in online language learning and as a solution other applications such as the ones that use artificial intelligence to give a more personalized learning experience like Rosetta Stone and the applications that match learners with native speakers of the target language to practice (e.g: Hello Talk, Tandem) were introduced to enhance the mobile language learning process were introduced

 What can be called the parent of all the applications mentioned above is “Computer-Assisted Language Learning” as known as “CALL”. It is tightly related to the other areas of applied linguistics and computer science. Not very recently but in the 1950s CALL was used for the first time when computers were extremely large, however, experiments with CALL remained limited due to the cost and the limited number of those huge machines. In 1959, the University of Illinois developed some applications that can be considered the first-ever computer-based applications for language learning to be used on the Programmed Logic/Learning for Automated Teaching Operations (PLATO) system. PLATO’s programming language consisted of some of the best features of CALL. Its focus was on the translation of Russian documents during the Cold War (Beatty, 2013).

 Till the 1980s CALL system relied on drill-and-practice systems mostly, after the 1980s experimentations with games and simulations started to occur in the field of CALL, which were later to be called “intelligent CALL” or “ICALL” could be seen in the Bassein and Underwood’s work of Juegos Coomunicativos in 1985. Juegos Communicativos was a game created for communicative practice of the Spanish language. In 1995, another game named Spion was introduced to practice German. (Otto, 2017) In summary, the shift in EFL teaching from structural approaches to communicative approaches also affected how computer-assisted language learning technologies existed.

 But nowadays with the great development in technology and artificial intelligence, more diverse ways can be used to aid language learning. For example, learners don’t even need to use the language exchange applications mentioned above necessarily. Because now there are artificial intelligence models that chat with you just like a native speaker and using them is safer than talking to a stranger on the internet. Also, if you could not understand a phrase in a context a native speaker of the language would not be the best person to explain it to you because often native speakers do not study their own language and do not know its rules but an AI chatbot can explain that phrase to you immediately and would not get bored if you ask it over and over again when you don’t understand it. But when you chat with a native speaker you do not know when they are going to respond or if they are going to respond at all.

 However, practicing the language with no human interaction is not always beneficial as I stated above. Because its outcomes would be similar to the outcomes of the grammar-translation method since there is no oral practice of the language. You can understand the language in deep but you cannot speak it in real-life situations. In some cases, you would not even be able to understand the language when someone speaks to you, because all you practiced is grammatical structures but in a way that is similar to real-life communication. In the traditional structural methods, this is caused by the reliance on books and other hardcopy materials whereas, in the usage of artificial intelligence models, this is caused by reliance on written communication only.

 But when technology is used to aid the language learning process rather than solely relying upon it, it enhances the learning process. Using an artificial intelligence model would help a learner if the learner also has the ability to use language in human interactions. If the learner does not possess the ability to use language in real-life human interactions still he or she can watch a video on YouTube to get used to the sound of the language. On YouTube, or other video streaming platforms there are many sources for listening activities for the target language, you can even watch a random person’s daily life to get to know about his or her culture and language at the same time, this is not something possible in traditional language learning methods

 Without technology, a learner could practice with native speakers only if he or she visited the country where his or her target language is spoken or if the learner encountered a native speaker of their target language in their own country but technology makes it easier to practice with native speakers or hear how native speakers sound at least. This means one of the best contributions of technology to language is making it more accessible for everyone. In the past not everyone could travel abroad and take private classes, it is still like that but today anyone who wants to learn a language can do it on their phones or computers easily. They can download hundreds of book pdfs about their target language, they can find hundreds of audial sources to get accustomed to the sound of their target language.

 One of the best examples of audial sources to aid language learning is It is a Web 2.0-based website (which means a collaborative website that is editable by users such as Wikipedia) that provides a user-created and user-maintained database for pronunciation in any language in the world. Any user can record and upload a pronunciation from everyday items to celebrity names. Even if the pronunciation of the words the user wanted to pronounce are already provided still the user can record his or her pronunciation and upload it on Forvo, the pronunciations are voted by other users on their accuracy. Currently, there are over 700,000 pronunciations on the site in 241 languages. Unsurprisingly since Forvo is an English-based website it has over 70,000 recorded pronunciations making English the most well-represented language on the site. (Grieser, 2010)

 While it was not easy to check the pronunciation of a word previously it is now one click away thanks to Forvo. In the past, all a person could do was reading the transcription of a word in the dictionary to get an idea about what the word sounded like, even the teachers used to do that so it was almost impossible to know how a native speaker would pronounce the word unless hearing it from a native speaker in person. But today we can learn the pronunciation of a word immediately and even we can hear it from different accents and dialects thanks to Forvo and similar websites.

 We should note that while learning via computer enables the learners to learn in a non-classroom environment, learning through the mobile phone enables the learner to learn even when they are having a walk or cooking in the kitchen. Therefore, today we also have MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) besides CALL. Even though learning through mobile devices has its own advantages it still has some disadvantages such as reading difficulty caused by the small screen and data storage limitations. So it is sometimes difficult for students to carry on the tasks given by the teachers, so teachers should take to what extent students have access to technology into account. (Miangah, 2012)

 We for sure do not know what the future will bring but we know that technology is developing quickly and we wake up to new technologies every single day, we said “Language learning technologies include no or less human interactions” above but one day there might be systems that do not only make us study the language in the written form only but study it as if we are chatting with a native speaker face to face. This is likely to occur due to the quickly developing virtual reality technologies.


In conclusion, this research paper has discussed the impact of technology on language learning processes with a focus on its history and its benefits in enhancing the second language learning process. This paper also compares traditional language teaching methods with current methods that are combined with technology such as computer-assisted language learning systems and mobile-assisted language learning systems. Traditional methods that are supported with technology-based applications usually enhance the learning process with its accessibility, and more personalized learning experiences. On the other hand this paper argues that technology should not be solely used since it would not enhance the language learning process as effective as when it is combined with traditional methods such as face to face communication. Because the technology of today is not enough to take place of real human interaction. In summary, this paper shows how technology enhances language learning processes with its benefits and drawbacks.


1) van Lieshout, C., & Cardoso, W. (2022). Google Translate as a tool for self-directed language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 26(1), 1–19.

2) Beatty, K. (2013). Teaching & researching: Computer-assisted language learning applied linguistics in action (2nd ed., reprint, revised). Routledge.

3) Otto, S. E. K. (2017). From Past to Present: A Hundred Years of Technology for L2 Learning. In C. A. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.), The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 15-33). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

4) Grieser, Jessica (2010) "The Effect of Dialect Features on the Perception of “Correctness” in English-Word Voting Patterns on," University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 16 : Iss. 2 , Aricle 10.

5)  Miangah, T. M., & Nezarat, A. (2012). Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS), 3(1), 309. DOI: 10.5121/ijdps.2012.3126.

Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Pixton is a web tool that enables users to create comics for educational or personal purposes. You can add your classrooms to Pixton and see the comics your students create. 
 One of the biggest benefits of Pixton is that it helps your students improve their writing skills, with the comics your students created you can observe the writing abilities of your students and how they are able to continue dialogues or you can learn about their vocabulary knowledge

 Pixton is a very enjoyable tool that can be used by teachers and students, a fun fact about Pixton is that you can take a classroom photo with your and your students' avatars like the example below:

 Besides assigning your students you can also create your comics to enhance your language teaching process. There are several premium plans on Pixton that enables you to download and share your comics


  Recently, Kahoot has become very popular among teachers due to its teaching with a gamification option since gamification in teaching keeps students engaged and helps them remember stuff better. There are hundreds of quizzes on Kahoot created by other users, you can either use them or create your own

 One of the features that make Kahoot different from other tools is the instant feedback it gives. When students answer questions, their responses appear right away on the screen. This means both teachers and students can see how they are doing and figure out what areas need some extra work. And when the answers are revealed a leaderboard shows up adding some healthy competition to the quiz, which makes students enthusiastic to participate and score higher.

 Another competitive option Kahoot provides is its Challenge mode. It lets students take quizzes at their own pace, whether they are working alone or in teams. It is perfect for remote or self-paced learning, giving students the flexibility to engage with the material whenever and wherever.

 In summary, the interactive and game-like approach of Kahoot, instant feedback, flexible learning options, and handy resource libraries make it a great tool for teachers that want to give gamification in teaching a chance. It boosts student engagement, helps assess learning, and reinforces what you are teaching.

Friday, April 14, 2023



 Here is the secret I used a lot of times to succeed not only as a teacher but also as a student: Quizlet

 I was only a high school student when I discovered Quizlet for the first time, it all began with my wish to learn more French vocabulary (French was my second foreign language when I was in high school) and I ended up finding such a great tool to create flashcards!

 By using Quizlet you can create study sets that include two-sided flashcards which include a question and an answer or you can use study sets created by other users and set as public. Quizlet gives you the opportunity to study the flashcards you created by testing, flipping cards, or matching the definition with the term options. 
 Here is an example study set I created when I was in high school to memorize new vocabulary:

 And here is an example of a folder that includes multiple study sets I created to study for my Lexicology class in my first year of university:

 Quizlet also enables you to create classrooms so as a teacher, you can assign study sets to your students and see how much they learn over time. When your students study the flashcards by matching the terms with definitions they will have a ranking among the others that used the matching option creating a competitive environment for your students. To me, Quizlet is a great choice for both and teachers as it makes you learn by having fun at the same time



 Canva is a graphic design platform that can be used in various ways. Firstly it is free with some additional paid items but if you have a .edu mail address everything on this website is free.

 You can use Canva for various purposes from preparing presentations to interactive worksheets since it also gives you the opportunity to work on a project collaboratively

 Canva is not solely used for preparing presentations, you can also create portfolios, infographics, vocabulary flashcards, or other kinds of visuals by using Canva. Also, there are other applications inside Canva to make your visuals more interesting; for example, you can add AI-generated images to your visuals by using ai based image generator or you can add thousands of stickers to make your visuals more appealing. Everything is up to your creativity, Canva is here to aid you! 

Sunday, April 2, 2023



 Storybird is a web 2.0 tool that enables its users to publish visual stories. Anyone can read and publish stories on Storybird by only signing up. The illustrations on the website belong to illustrators around the world and any writer can use them 
 It is a great tool that can also be used in language teaching with various stories it includes. Stories are a great way to enhance the vocabulary knowledge of language learners and Storybird is a great technology-based source of stories. You do not have to pay for any hardcopy material but you can download and print the stories on Storybird whenever you want with a fee

An example story on Storybird

Saturday, April 1, 2023




Animaker is a website used for creating animations that can be used for various purposes such as educational videos, introducing a product, or even an invitation. I created an animation teaching occupations to children, you can watch my short animation below:

 You can use the templates on the site for your animation, and you can edit them as you wish. However, its free version is limited, you can only export five animations without purchasing its premium version, also you cannot use some characters and items without purchasing the premium version. For creating the video above I used a template at first but then I kept editing the template by changing the background, the text, and the characters. I also used text to speech option of Animaker to add a sound to my video.

If you liked Animaker you can now start trying it out from this link