Friday, April 14, 2023



 Here is the secret I used a lot of times to succeed not only as a teacher but also as a student: Quizlet

 I was only a high school student when I discovered Quizlet for the first time, it all began with my wish to learn more French vocabulary (French was my second foreign language when I was in high school) and I ended up finding such a great tool to create flashcards!

 By using Quizlet you can create study sets that include two-sided flashcards which include a question and an answer or you can use study sets created by other users and set as public. Quizlet gives you the opportunity to study the flashcards you created by testing, flipping cards, or matching the definition with the term options. 
 Here is an example study set I created when I was in high school to memorize new vocabulary:

 And here is an example of a folder that includes multiple study sets I created to study for my Lexicology class in my first year of university:

 Quizlet also enables you to create classrooms so as a teacher, you can assign study sets to your students and see how much they learn over time. When your students study the flashcards by matching the terms with definitions they will have a ranking among the others that used the matching option creating a competitive environment for your students. To me, Quizlet is a great choice for both and teachers as it makes you learn by having fun at the same time

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